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Tip #29: Solar Pool Cover Care (Reels)

Solar pool covers are effective and inexpensive alternatives to gas or propane pool heaters, and also require significantly less maintenance. One great way to get the most out of your solar pool cover is to cover it in a solar pool cover tarp. Solar pool cover tarps are inexpensive sheets of polyethylene that, when wrapped around a solar pool cover, can provide protection from the sun. Since the bubbles on solar pool covers can become dried out from too much sun exposure, it is important to only keep one in the sun if it is being used to heat a pool at that specific moment. Also, a solar pool cover can dry out and lose its bubbles much quicker if it is not on the water’s surface, which illustrates another reason why a solar pool cover  tarp is a useful and valuable purchase.


Another great way to take care of a solar pool cover is to attach it to a solar pool cover reel when it is not in use. Rolling a solar cover up onto a reel prevents it from being torn in multiple ways. If you leave the solar pool cover folded up next to the pool, it is susceptible to being walked on, getting blown away in the wind, or getting dried out in the sun. A solar pool cover reel used in conjunction with a solar pool cover tarp can extend the life of your solar pool cover.
