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Pc Pools Announces Tips for Opening Your Above Ground Pool Early March 19, 2009 07:18 PM

St. Paul, MN - Pc Pools, one of America’s leading direct marketers of above ground pools and pool supplies for residential and commercial pool owners announces an excellent tip for home owners to open their above ground pool early by using a solar pool cover and the free heat from the sun.
Solar heating is an excellent choice for an above ground pool. Solar heating your pool saves energy costs and extends the time pool owners can be in their pool. One way to retain heat in your pool water is to use a solar pool cover. There are several types of solar pool covers. There are blue solar pool covers and clear solar pool covers ranging in thickness from 8 gauge to 14 gauge. The thicker the gauge the better the retention of heat. While each color has its own benefits we at Pc Pools believe the best bet for a solar pool cover is the Magni-Clear solar pool cover from Blue Wave Pool Products. The Magni-Clear is one of the best solar pool covers on the market. All Magni-Clear solar pool covers are manufactured with a 14 gauge thickness. The Magni-Clear’s transparent bubbles allow the sun’s heat to penetrate the cover and radiate into the pool water. This allows the sun’s rays to heat not only the surface, but all of the pool’s water. It is an excellent "green" way to heat and retain heat in your pool up to 10-15 degrees warmer with proper sunlight exposure.
Marketing Director Ted Robinson had this to say, "Solar heating for pools is becoming increasingly popular among our above ground pool owners. It affords them with very inexpensive pool heating, while providing optimal heating of up to 10-15 degrees. Over the last year, we have seen a 100% increase in solar pool cover sales. We have heard from our customers that by simply placing the solar pool cover on during the daytime or when not in use, they have been able to extend their pool use up to 1-2 months more throughout the season. I recommend any above ground pool owner explore the option of any of our wide range of solar pool cover heating products."
About Pc Pools
Pc Pools is one of America’s leading multi-channel direct marketers of swimming pool supplies and equipment to the residential and commercial swimming pool markets in the United States. Founded in 2000 by a leading executive in the pool supplies industry, it has since been dedicated to providing residential and commercial pool owners with high quality swimming pool supplies and equipment at warehouse direct prices. Pc Pools product line includes above ground pools, automatic pool cleaners, pool liners, pool heaters, pool chemicals, pool covers and accessories, all of which are sold through catalog and internet channels. Pc Pools’ strong relationship with leading pool supplies manufacturers and distributors creates a truly unique product offering of quality and value for its customers. 

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For additional information contact:

Ted Robinson

Marketing Director

Pc Pools


