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Tip #6: Maintaining Automatic Pool Cleaners

There are many ways to maintain the quality and durability of an automatic pool cleaner. There are two types of automatic pool cleaners available – automatic pool vacuums and robotic automatic cleaners. Each of them requires different maintenance tactics and should be approached differently.

Automatic pool vacuums typically use hosing that connects directly into your filtration system. Since they are powered by the pressure of your pump, it is important to regularly check the hoses and vacuum head for debris. If the automatic pool cleaner appears limp and is not cleaning as well as it should be, try checking for clogs in both the cleaner itself and the pool filtration system. If that does not work, remove the automatic pool cleaner’s hoses and check for punctures. This is easily done by pouring water through the hose and seeing if there is a hole.

Robotic pool cleaners are more advanced than vacuum-based automatic pool cleaners because they do not operate in conjunction with a pool’s filtration system. This means that all maintenance on robotic cleaners should be performed on the unit itself. Once a month or so, be sure to clean out the filter bag located on the inside of the robotic pool cleaner. Be sure to closely check for tears or weak points in the filter bag because even the smallest of those could prevent the pool cleaner from functioning properly. If the robotic pool cleaner’s treads or wheels are not working, it could be an issue with the motor. Typically the best thing to do here is contact the manufacturer for motor troubleshooting. It is not recommended that robotic pool cleaners be used with an extension cord – this could cause the motor to short out.

